Sharing My Art – Day #5

Day #5 of this artist chain mail challenge. The final day.

“Post three of your works for five days and nominate another person to do the same.”

The Cityscapes – These abstract cityscapes are the kind of paintings I’m doing now, when I do get into my studio. They’re a combination of all the other painting techniques I’ve played around with for the last ten years. I like to put paint direction the canvas from the paint tube or palette knife, using tape to mask areas off. I then spread the paint with a knife or paper towel, and sometimes remove it with those tools as well to leave a more translucent appearance to areas of the painting.

The wife always enjoys when I add in little “easter eggs” such as people and cars. I like the little last-minute details because the encourage the viewer to look up close. My paintings are about keeping your eye moving, and finding interest up close and from far away. I want the viewer physically moving when they explore my paintings: looking, feeling the textures and raw bright colors.
I’m inspired by geometry, asymmetry, balance and color.

#1 “Wish” – 2012 24″ x 48″ – (sold in 2012, I believe this painting has an unfinished painting underneath that was supposed to go over our fireplace. You can see my little yellow jeep crossing the bridge)

#2 “Washington DC – 2012 14″ x 18” – (a commissioned piece. Real cities are difficult to do because I feel like people will call you out if you get something wrong, even in an abstraction)

#3 “Yellow Line” – 2012 11″ x 14″ – (hangs proudly in my wife’s studio because she liked it. The guy talking about his “big fish” outside the bar in particular. He’s just below and to the left of the martini glass)



Washington DC

Washington DC

Yellow Line

Yellow Line

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