Breezeway Lights and Closet Cleanup

Winter is a pretty rad time to tackle all those household tasks that have been weighing on you. In between turkey dinners and pine tree flavored beers, any household can benefit from simple tasks such as updating burnt out light bulbs and cleaning out the closet, and ours did just that.

First up were the breezeway overhead can lights. Five of six bulbs had been burnt out for quite some time, so the it was a rather dim experience. I finally found a decent bulb that met my preferences. The basic GE LED outdoor PAR38 bulb I used was available at Lowe’s.  It’s warm (3000K) and rated for outdoor. When installed it has a nice flush look to it. There isn’t much else to say. After all we are simply talking light bulbs here.


The other project we tackled was cleaning out the master bedroom and closet. We packed up over eight bags of clothes, shoes and other items to donate or recycle. The room looks really open and refreshing now. Not such a stressful mess anymore.

After clean up I was able to install some shelves and a mirror we got from IKEA to create a little dressing area. I really like the space, even though it’s primarily for the wife to use. I just enjoy seeing the space now. The light reflects off the mirror and makes the room brighter.  I used drywall anchors, and wood screws (into one stud) to mount the shelf brackets to the wall. Here are pics: